Ashley Knable.
Silent K; Loud Design.

I’m Ashley Knable; silent K. I am a designer, dog enthusiast, and a UX lover. When I am not designing, you can find me rock climbing, biking, paddling, or loving on my dogs. I find beauty in simple things and tend to see the glass as half-full.

I truly enjoy working with creative, driven spirits to build innovative, unique, and beautiful design solutions. I bring a wide range of design experience to the table and I am constantly seeking to expand my skill set. User Experience design and User Interface design is something I’ve added to my tool belt and have fallen in love with. My decade of design experience has lended itself well to my passion for human-centered design. Figma, Sketch, and Adobe XD are my happy place!

Interacting with those around me in order to meet needs in an effective and timely manner is important to me. I get a great deal of satisfaction out of an idea being brought to life in a meaningful way. When a product is fresh, aesthetically pleasing, and functional, I have done my job.

Starbucks order: Venti iced americano, splash of almond milk, 3 stevias.

Work Playlist: Work It